A Charitable Trust formed by

Dr. Allamraju Ramasastri

in memory of parents

Allamraju Suryanarayana Murthy
Allamraju Subbalakshmi

(The Trust does NOT seek Any Donations)

From Chairman’s Desktop

Today is the second Birthday of, 

Allamraju Charitable Trust (ACT) 

During 2023, we have taken up activities

To Enable, Enrich, and Empower the young students.

The most satisfying was setting up

ACT Science Center at Peddapuram, AP.

The Center provides lab facilities in Physics, Chemistry and Biology

where students and teachers can experiment to learn and teach.

The activities undertaken by the Trust are updated on this website and

The activities held at ACT Science Center are given separately.

One of the activities planned for 2024

is starting an online Maths Club.

You can write to us at allamrajutrust@gmail.com.

Dr. A. S. Ramasastri,

January 08, 2024

Our Vision

To Enrich, Enable & Enhance in the area of Education